How Many Bank Accounts Should I Have?

How many bank accounts should you have to effectively save money, grow wealth, and reach your financial goals? There are many different methods to consider when opening accounts, but what is right?

How Many Bank Accounts Should I Have?

The answer is not one size fits all. The more accounts the better for some people, while others may be fine with just a few. It’s important to find out which method works best for you.

In this article, we will look at how many bank accounts you need to open in order to get started saving and growing wealth.

We’ll also cover some of the pros and cons of each type of account so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Overview On A Savings Account And Why Should You Open One?

A savings account or current account is where you keep your cash. This means that it’s a place where you deposit your money from any source.

For example, if you earn interest on your savings, then you would put that into your savings account. If you want to invest your money, then you could use a stockbroker account instead.

A savings account has two main benefits:

1) It allows you to build up a balance over time.

2) It gives you access to your money whenever you need it.

If you don’t already have a savings account, then you should open one as soon as possible. In fact, if you haven’t opened one yet, then now is the perfect time to do so.

Here are some reasons why you might want to start saving today:

Saving Money When Interest Rates Are Low Elsewhere

You may be hungry to invest your money, but if interest rates are particularly low elsewhere, it might not be worth the inconvenience of locking funds in risky ventures or long-scale CDs.

A savings account doesn’t offer a great interest rate either, but at least your money is always liquid, allowing access as and when you need it.

You Can Use Your Savings To Grow Wealth When Interest Rates Are High

Another benefit of having a savings account is that it allows you to use your money to grow wealth.

If you put $100 into a savings account and earned 5% interest on that amount, then you would end up with $105 after 12 months.

Other Accounts You Need

Invoices Checking Account

In this case, the mandatory expenses account for the majority of your income. Failure to pay these expenses, however, can quickly have negative effects on your life and credit score.

All of the examples include:

  • Your housing expenses such as rent, mortgage, and property taxes
  • Debts such as credit cards, auto loans, and student loans 
  • Electricity, water, cellular phone, gas, and internet bills 
  • Buying groceries but not including visiting restaurants 

Checking Accounts For Lifestyle

The money here is for all your “wants.” Put a set amount into this account every payday to cover everything you desire. After it reaches zero, don’t spend anything until the account is replenished.

All of the examples include:

  • Getting a haircut, going to the spa, or joining the gym
  • Buying toilet paper, toothpaste, detergent, and basically anything for the house
  • Buying entertainment, memberships, and activities
  • Food deliveries, dinner outings, and going to nightclubs 
  • Shopping and other entertaining outings

Emergency Account

How Many Bank Accounts Should I Have?

Mishaps and unexpected expenses can be covered by this financial safety net in case they occur in the future. Keep three to six months’ worth of living expenses on hand, according to most experts. 

All of the examples include:

  • Surgery and illness are both medical emergencies.
  • Jobs lost due to termination, layoff, or suspension. 
  • Roof leaks, plumbing issues, extreme weather damage. 
  • Battery issues, accidents with cars.

Long Term Account

Everyone has big dreams that cost a lot of money. If you plan to reach a goal that will take longer than 12 months, you can easily track progress over time and allocate funds to that goal.

All of the examples include:

  • Buying a car or house with a down payment
  • Traveling abroad with the family
  • Engagement rings, ceremony, reception, honeymoon
  • Adoption and fertility treatments after childbirth 

Short Term Account

You can use this account for short-term goals you hope to achieve within the next one to twelve months. This you will find take up quite a bit of your money due to the number of things it covers.

All of the examples include:

  • You might consider upgrading your phone or laptop. 
  • You can give special gifts for Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or your birthday 
  • Take a cruise, go on a road trip, attend a sporting event, or go to a concert 
  • Vehicle registration and insurance, wholesale purchases

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Necessary To Have More Than One Bank Account?

The majority of people use a current account for their everyday banking and put any extra money into a savings account to save for rainy days or for special occasions.

There are plenty of other reasons why you may want to open additional accounts. These are things we have explained in this post, and it is something you should definitely consider.

Multiple accounts make it easier to compartmentalize your finances and achieve your saving goals.

Do You Think Having Multiple Bank Accounts Is A Good Idea?

It’s not a financial penalty if you have many accounts, but having just one or two has pros and cons, too. If you manage your multiple bank accounts correctly, the result can be streamlined organization.

For example, you can have separate savings accounts for different savings purposes.

Stacking up your bank accounts is only really effective if you automate your savings each month. BY doing this, all the money gets where it needs to go, saving you the hassle of remembering what and how much goes where.


Open one account at a time. You don’t have to open all five accounts at once, especially if you lack the financial resources.

Depending on how much time you have to spare, you may want to start with the three most important savings goals: bills, lifestyle, and emergency fund.

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Fred Combes
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